Writing, for me, is special because it gives me the space to think in public with persons past and present. But it’s also special to me for another reason: it allows for me to be in dialogue with others who care enough to read my own thoughts in conversation with their own. I’m grateful that my past work has helped me be in conversations with other scholars, with other leaders in the Church, and with activists doing the hard work of bringing a more just world into being.
Popular Articles
“What Difference Does It Make? Staying Catholic Despite the Political Face of U.S. Catholicism”
Conscience—Catholics for Choice
“Engaging Homosexuality and Transgender Identity Through an African-American Catholic Lens"
Outreach: A LGBTQ Catholic Resource
“What Does It Mean to Welcome LGBTQ People into Catholic Communities?”
Outreach: A LGBTQ Catholic Resource
“New Anti-Trans Policies Move Church Away from Vital Core Teachings”
Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education
“US Bishops’ Theology is the True Scandal in Philadelphia Foster Care Case”
National Catholic Reporter
“LGBTQ Catholics are a Reality”
Academic Writing
“Our New Galileo Affair”
Horizons vol. 50, no. 2.
“Transgender Bodies, Catholic Schools, and a Queer Natural Law Theology of Exploration”
Journal of Moral Theology vol. 7, no.1
“Black Queer Natural Law: On Brownness and Disidentification”
Political Theology Network
If you’ve read my work, or if there’s something that I can write for you, let’s talk.